ItalianRSA at Women20 Inception Meeting AURANGABAD India 27-28 March 2023
Gianna Avellis participated as Women20 Delegate Italy, representing the ONG ICoRSA/ItalianRSA, to the Inception Meeting of Women20 in India, AURANGABAD, taking part to a Panel on Session IV – Monday 27th Feb 3.30 p.m to 4.30 p.m. The Theme of the Panel Session was “Improving Access through Infrastructure & Skill to bridge the Gender Digital Divide” […]
Read MoreDonne e transizione digitale: workshop il 23 marzo a Lecce
Evento al Must dalle 15,30 alle 18, nell’ambito del format Caffè scientifico ideato dal Creis presieduto da Serenella Molendini: “Ci sono ancora barriere culturali, sociali e talvolta ideologiche che rendono difficile l’ingresso e le carriere nei lavori legati alla ricerca scientifica e dell’innovazione”. Partnership Italian Research Staff Association, patrocinio Comune di Lecce, Università del Salento […]
Read MoreLe Donne e le STEAM: Un percorso di Role Models tra Passato e Presente
Rapporto Workshop Le Donne e le STEAM:Un percorso di Role Models tra Passato e Presente. G.Avellis Presidente di Italian Research Staff Association (ITalianRSA) Il Workshop organizzato da CREIS, capo progetto del Caffè scientifico delle Donne nella Ricerca e nell’Innovazione del bando FUTURA) in collaborazione con ItalianRSA presso il IISS Galileo Ferraris di Molfetta il 10 […]
Read MoreWorkshop on the Gender Gap of ITARSA and MCAA – Final Report
Gianna Avellis Chair of ITARSA and member of MCAA GEDI WG and Italy Chapter The ITARSA (Italian Research Staff Association), member of ICoRSA (International Consortium Research Staff Associations) and the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) with its Working Group GEDI (Gender Equity DIversity and Inlucion) and its Italy Chapter, have organised the Workshop above with the aim of […]
Friday, 18 November 09.30 – 17.00 CET Hybrid Event (Zoom) Location: Sala ‘A. Leogrande’ Centro Polifunzionale Studenti, University of Bari, Italy Gender Gap and Barriers to Researchers’ Career of Women in STEAM Meeting-ID: 858 7597 3071Passcode: 498667 Dear ICoRSA members, We would like to invite you to our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) which […]
Read MoreGender gap and barriers to researchers’ career of women in steam
17 November 15.00-19.30 CET (Hybrid Event) Sala ‘A. Leogrande’ Centro Polifunzionale Studenti, University of Bari Bari, Italy Abstract The workshop aims to explore the role of two concepts and their effect on social justice for women in STEAM: a culture of discrimination that is hidden in plain sight; and the wall of silence surrounding meaningful […]
Read MoreFollow this link to partecipate to the survey
Mobility is associated with professional development and improvement in the researcher’s academic performance. The loss of skills of migrants though may be considered negative for the of origin country, while the return that follows is important, after their inclusion in an international scientific circuit and the opportunity to participate in important projects .The factors that support the mobility of […]
Read MoreWorkshop Women in Innovation (WIN)
ItalianRSA sarà presente attivamente al Worshop Women in Innovation (WIN) organizzato dal progetto europeo CALIPER su Gender Equality Plans e UNISALENTO, con la sua presidentessa Gianna Avellis nell’intervento “Barriere nelle carriere delle donne nelle STEM”.
Read MorePresentazione del libro “DONNE CHE FANNO LA DIFFERENZA
Negli anni ottanta, Marisa Bellisario è l’unica donna ai vertici del mondo delle telecomunicazioni, una top manager di fama mondiale che diviene icona di modernità e simbolo di parità. Sul suo esempio, Lella Golfo è determinata a costruire una leadership femminile forte e consapevole, capace di portare le ragioni delle donne al cuore della politica, […]
Read MoreItalianRSA at Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference and GA, Lisbon 26-27 March 2022.
Gianna Avellis chair of the Task Force 5 on Projects of GEDI (Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion) WG of MCAA and chair of ItalianRSA, participated to the MCAA Conference and organised in this context a joint event between MCAA and ItalianRSA, to be held in Bari on Women in STEAM. Networking with the fellows of […]
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