Formal welcome to all participants by Gianna Avellis.
Welcome speech by Gordon Dalton, chair of ICoRSA, and presentation of ICoRSA. ICoRSA supported the idea of establishing the ItalianRSA and assisted in its process. Furthermore, ICoRSA will assist in its role as an umbrella RSA organisation.
Dragana Mitrovic, administrator of ICoRSA, explained the ItalianRSA funding from MCFA. Due to the closure of MCFA (Marie Curie Fellows Association) and due to the newborn association Marie Curie Alumni funded by the EU Commission, a part of the remaining budget of MCFA has been given to ItalianRSA associations to run its activities.
Presentation by Gianna on the development from the idea to the establishment of the ItalianRSA, its members, vision and mission.
Presentation and Election of Executive Committee:
Presentation of all candidates for the ItalianRSA Committee / Board. Either personal presentation or from Gianna (in case of absence of the candidate). Gianna sent a candidate list for election prior to this meeting.
Gianna will send a Doodle by end of February to meet the new Board in March and start planning activities of ItalianRSA.