Gianna Avellis represented ICoRSA in the WYSS 2024 in Wenzhou City, China 14-17 November 2024, invited by WAYS (World Association of Young Scientists) Association.
Maximise the visibility and impact of ICoRSA’s participation in the WYSS Summit, promote ICoRSA within the research community, and support the development of new contacts in Asia Pacific regions for building new Research Staff Associations there..
Chairperson Attending: Gianna Avellis, Chair of ICoRSA, represented the organisation at the WYSS Summit, in particular attending the Forum on International Scientific Organisation Cooperation and Exchange, where she presented ICoRSA.-.
The World Young Scientific Summit (WYSS), jointly sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and People’s Government of Zhejiang province, has been successfully held for 5 sessions, centred around the theme “Converging the World’s Talents, Creating a Better Future”. Over the past 5 years, WYSS has intensified its connections with numerous renowned international science and technology organizations. With a sustained focus on the UN SDGs, WYSS has actively leveraged the role of the science and technology community to proactively foster an open innovation ecosystem and promote young engagement in global science governance. To date, WYSS has invited a distinguished group of participants, including over 30 Nobel laureates, Turing award winners, and other world-renowned scientists for more than 100 countries and regions, 400 academicians from China and abroad, as well as over 5,600 scientists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. It has established connections with over 200 domestic and international universities, research institutions, and international science and technology organizations.
This year WYSS has been centred around the annual theme “Youth Innovation: Fostering new Quality Productive Forces”. The event encompassed a diverse range of activities, including: Plenary Session, Parallel Sessions and Feautured Sessions, Universal Gravitation Showcase,, and Exchange Events, Overseas Events. These activities aim to establish a vibrant platform for young scientists to exchange ideas, learn from one another, realize their ambitions, and fulfil their dreams.
The WYSS has hold the “Forum on International Scientific Organization Cooperation and Exchange”, with the support of International Science Council (ISC), with the aim of enhancing the participation of young researchers, and promote their leadership, development in the fields of science policy, science diplomacy, and science communication.
ICoRSA, represented by its Chair, Gianna Avellis, presented in the section “Impact Case Studies: Young Academies across Asia and the Pacific” ICoRSA vision and mission as well as the EU past and current projects of ICoRSA and the new WG on Gender Equality, receiving a well feedback from the public.
She contacted several people in the audience and among the speakers of the Forum, such as:
- Gabriela IVAN, Communication Officer, Partnerships and Memberships Development of the ISC
- Gensuo JA, Member of the Advisory Council of the ISC Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific
- Baojing GU, Professor at Zhejiang University
in the “International Engagement of Young Scientists” segment of the forum, which discussed how to Empower and Elevate the Voice of the Early-and-Mid-Career Researchers in the ISC and Global Policy Processes.
- Chandra Shekhar SHARMA, Co-Chair of the Global Young Academy (GYA)
in the discussion on how to elevate the voice of early and mid-career researchers in scientific research and international collaboration. This segment also included best practices of the GYA global community of young researchers enlightening successful examples of collaboration across disciplines and region
- Shulei CHOU, Dean of Wenzhou University, Technology and Innovation Institute for Carbon Neutralization- he is the current vice-Chair of WAYS, while Chouyang LU is the current Chair of WAYS
- Libing ZHENG, Board Member of MCAA and funder of China Chapter of MCAA
- Estrella Diaz SANCHEZ, full member of Yung Academy of Spain.
In the segment “Impact Case Studies: Young Academies across Asia and the Pacific”, which featured presentations by young academies and young scientific group representatives from Asia and the Pacific sharing successful initiatives in a knowledge shared session with young scientists. In addition to that, representatives from non-Asia Pacific countries, such as ICoRSA, spoked about cross-regional international cooperation.
Gianna Avellis made the contacts above with the aim to set up possible Research Staff Associations of ICoRSA in the Asia and the Pacific regions. In particular, the reference persons of ISC Gabriela IVAN gabriela.ivan@council.science and Chandra Shekhar SHARMA, Co-Chair of the Global Young Academy (GYA), Indian, were very enthusiastic to cooperate with ICoRSA in the near future for possible RSAs in their regions.
Finally, among the participants to WYSS Summit, Gianna Avellis made some contacts with a Turkish participant interested to setup a RSA in Turkey, University of Ankara and Prof. Dr. Ing. Xsu RUI ruixsue@njust.edu.cn interested to set up an RSA of ICoRSA in South China.