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Carla Petrocelli


Carla Petrocelli is a researcher in History of Science at Departement of Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. She is Professor of History of the digital revolution in the Master’s Degree course “Patrimonio Digitale. Musei, Archivi, Biblioteche” (2nd level), University of Bari Aldo Moro; Research coordinator of the Unit “Research, Education and Digital Culture” of Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca “Digital Eritage” – CEDITH, member of Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca ``Logica e Applicazioni``- University of Bari, member of Italian Association for Automated Computing (AICA) and member of the Italian Ministry of Education panel to evaluate the scientific production of the ANVUR – “Sezione Ricerca di Base e Sezione Diffusione della cultura scientifica”. She is involved in the European project PRIN - Research Project of National Interest, ERC SH6: 2017EX5AC3_001 “The uncertain borders of nature. Wonders and miracles in early modern Kingdom of Naples”, University projects “Oltre il soffitto di cristallo – La valorizzazione delle donne nella scienza”, “Nunc est discendum: didattica on line per l’apprendimento e il potenziamento delle conoscenze linguistiche” (@pprendo) - “Innovazione della didattica e dei servizi agli studenti” DR 757 and “ICS: Il (pod)Casting delle Scienziate”, Liceo Cartesio, Triggiano (BA), PANN20_00253, Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca.
Her theoretical research interests are centered on History of Computer Science topics, and specifically on History of Technology, Gender Studies and History of programming Languages.
She participated as chairperson and invited speaker at national and international conferences. She is the author of several monographic volumes and articles in scientific journals.


As Treasurer of ItalianRSA, Carla Petrocelli will collaborate with the Chair of ItalianRSA to manage to carefully utilize the funds and resources available as well as increasing the revenue for our association by considering the overheads from the participation of ItalianRSA in the EU projects of ICoRSA, and by . increasing the funding via setting further collaborations with Italian Universities and research centres.

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