Sveva Avveduto, former Director of the Research Institute on Population and Social Policies, is Emeritus Research Director of the Italian National Research Council - CNR.
President of the Italian Women and Science Association, Head of the GETA Group (Gender and Talents) of CNR, Head of the Group on Gender Budget and gender Plan of the CNR, Italian delegate to Women20 a G20 Engagement Group.
She has been and is the Italian responsible for numerous H2020 projects of the European Commission.
The participation in several Eu Commission Projects allowed her to get experience and knowledge of EU framework on research policy, and particularly a research experience with gender equality /gender mainstreaming in research specifically by GENERA and the following GENERA Network, R&IPeers and MINDtheGEPs Projects.
She participated as chair person and invited speaker at national and international conferences. She is the author of 20 monographic volumes and over 200 articles in scientific journals.
She conducts research in the area of science policy with particular regard to studies on human resources for science and gender issues, and will bring her experience inside ItalianRSA. In addition to the activity carried out at CNR and with Italian and foreign universities and research organizations, she collaborated with the OECD as Italian delegate in the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy in the area of Higher Education and Research.